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- July 1992 Vol. 4; Issue 5
- New Communications Technologies and Traditional Civil Liberties
- =------------------------------------------------------------=
- |This document is Copyright (c) 1992 by Human Rights Watch. |
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- Since the personal computer ushered in a communication revolution
- about 15 years ago, the accompanying technology has been likened to
- everything from the printing press to Hyde Park Corner, from the
- postal system to talk radio. Pungent as these analogies are, their
- limitations point up the essential uniqueness of computer-mediated
- communication. While the printing press made possible the mass
- dissemination of information, computers can individualize information
- and increase its flow a thousandfold. In the process, they change the
- nature of communication itself.
- Few Americans are unaffected by this revolution, whether they
- rely on computers to do their taxes, write a novel, serve up money
- from a bank machine, or make airplane reservations -- and then guide
- the plane safely back to land. Those who are "on-line" "talk" to
- people whom they may never meet face-to-face and form "virtual
- communities" in "Cyberspace" -- a place without physical dimensions,
- but with the capacity to store vast amounts of facts, conversation,
- messages, written or voice mail and graphic images.
- While it is axiomatic that these new capabilities can open up
- faster, easier and more inclusive communication, they also call into
- question long held assumptions about individual and communal rights.
- Some are old questions in a new context: What, if any, is the role of
- the government in regulating electronic communication? As more and
- more information is recorded and stored automatically, how can the
- right of privacy be balanced with the right to know? What happens to
- individual protections when information is a salable commodity? Does
- the form in which information is kept change the government's
- obligation to inform its citizens?
- Other questions arise from the new technologies: When borders can
- be breached by a keystroke and texts and images can be reproduced and
- modified without ever being published, what happens to definitions of
- intellectual property, scholarship, conversation, publication,
- community, even knowledge itself?
- In 1983, Ithiel de Sola Pool began his seminal book, Technologies
- of Freedom, with the warning that "Civil liberty functions today in a
- changing technological context." As if to prove him right, the
- government is now proposing a $2 billion investment in computer
- networking technologies which will radically alter the way American
- communicate. Because the technological context changes more rapidly
- than the laws regulating it, the debate about how we want to live in
- an electronic world is both volatile and urgent.
- United States law has not treated all communication technology
- alike. As Pool notes, regulatory policy is based on different
- assumptions and varies among print, common carriage and broadcasting,
- which were the three prominent modes of mass communication when he
- wrote. Thus, lawmakers and jurists delineating free speech sought to
- minimize traditional controls on printed speech by rejecting the types
- of censorship associated with it, such as prior restraint, taxation
- and seditious libel. But early regulators, with an eye to the social
- good, had no qualms about requiring common carriers, such as the
- postal and telegraph systems, to provide universal service without
- discrimination. Their successors, assuming that the broadcast spectrum
- was a scarce commodity, designed a regulatory system for radio and TV
- based on government licensing, business advertising and a limited
- number of channels. Later regulations included the Fairness Doctrine
- (imposing on licensed broadcasters an obligation to cover issues
- fairly), which regulated the content of speech. But as technologies
- merge, traditional distinctions among the modes are no longer
- applicable. Today, for instance, anyone regulating electronic bulletin
- boards is looking at a cross between a publisher and a bookstore that
- operates by means of the telephone, a common carrier.
- Historically, the law has responded to, not anticipated,
- technological changes, often reacting repressively when a new
- technology challenges the status quo. As in the past, regulation of
- electronic communication has been influenced more by market and
- political forces than constitutional principles or legal issues. But
- electronic communication policy is still fluid enough to allow for
- questions about who should set the policy and to what end.
- The Constitution
- Among the most active participants in the policy discussion is
- Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility (CPSR), a public
- interest group formed to explore the impact of computers on society.
- In March 1991, CPSR held the First Conference on Computers, Freedom &
- Privacy in Burlingame, California. The concerns addressed at the
- conference fell into three broad civil liberty categories: protecting
- speech, protecting privacy, and gaining access to government
- information.
- In an opening address, constitutional scholar Laurence Tribe
- posed a question of his own: "When the lines along which our
- Constitution is drawn warp or vanish, what happens to the Constitution
- itself?" The sections of the Constitution Tribe was referring to in
- relation to electronic communication are:
- # the First Amendment, with its prohibition against laws
- abridging freedom of speech, assembly, or the press;
- # the Fourth Amendment, protecting people and their property from
- unreasonable government intrusion;
- # the Fifth Amendment, guaranteeing due process of law and
- exemption from self-incrimination;
- # the Ninth and Fourteenth Amendments, which reinforce other
- rights and provisions in the Constitution.
- In applying these long-standing guarantees in the burgeoning
- electronic forum, Tribe recommends that policy makers look not at what
- technology makes possible, but at the core values the Constitution
- enshrines. The overarching principles of that document, he maintains,
- are its protection of people rather than places, and its regulation of
- the actions of the government, not of private individuals. Other
- central values Tribe notes are the ban on governmental control of the
- content of speech; the principle that a person's body and property
- belong to that person and not the public; and the invariability of
- constitutional principles despite accidents of technology.
- To insure that these values prevail as technology changes, Tribe
- proposes adding a 27th amendment to the Constitution to read:
- "This Constitution's protections for the freedoms of speech,
- press, petition and assembly, and its protections against unreasonable
- searches and seizures and the deprivation of life, liberty or property
- without due process of law, shall be construed as fully applicable
- without regard to the technological method or medium through which
- information content is generated, stored, altered, transmitted or
- controlled."
- Who Regulates and How
- Speakers at the conference did not argue with Tribe's goal of an
- enlightened electronic communication policy on the part of the
- government, but some disagreed over who should be responsible for
- formulating that policy and whatever regulations accompany it.
- Jerry Berman, a longtime privacy advocate who is now Director of
- the Washington office of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, warned
- that, in light of the courts' current record on civil liberties, any
- strategy giving them primary power to settle electronic speech
- disputes was dangerous. He argued instead for legislative controls.
- Others worried that lawmakers, misunderstanding or
- misinterpreting existing electronic speech problems, would push
- through harsh and intrusive regulations. Steve McLellan, a special
- assistant to the Washington Utilities Commission, cited efforts in his
- state by phone companies wanting to institute caller ID systems. The
- companies lobbied for authorization of that technology by portraying
- it as customer protection, a way to combat obscene and crank phone
- calls. The constitutional privacy issues got buried in politics until
- the utilities commission announced that it would approve caller-ID
- tariffs only if they provided for blocking mechanisms provided free
- and at the discretion of the customer.
- Yet another potential regulatory force was posited by Eli Noam,
- Director of the Center for Telecommunications and Information Studies
- at Columbia University. Noam suggested that computer- based
- information networks will become quasi-political entities, not
- subordinated to other jurisdictions, as they tax, set standards of
- behavior and mediate conflicts among their members, and band together
- to influence economic and social policy. Current Regulation
- There are myriad laws on the federal and state levels with
- potential impact in the electronic forum: the Privacy Protection Act,
- Freedom of Information Act, Wiretap Act, Paperwork Reduction Act,
- sunshine laws, obscenity laws, and laws regulating copyright,
- trademark, interstate commerce, and product liability. As New York
- attorney Lance Rose points out, this proliferation of laws tends to
- reinforce the most restrictive standard -- because computer users and
- service providers cannot inform themselves about all potentially
- relevant rules, they are well-advised to stay within the boundaries of
- the strictest regulation that may apply.
- Congress has also passed legislation aimed directly at electronic
- communication within the government, including:
- # the Computer Matching and Privacy Protection Act of 1988,
- which prohibits government agencies from combining discrete
- computerized personal records as a basis for taking adverse action
- against an individual until the results of the match have been
- verified independently;
- # the Computer Security Act of 1987, designed to improve the
- security and privacy of federal computer systems;
- # the Electronic Communication Protection Act of 1986, which
- safeguards electronic communication from interception, disclosure and
- random monitoring without a court order; and stipulates that a court
- order must be time-limited and must specify the information sought;
- # the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1984 (revised in 1986),
- which criminalizes unauthorized entry, and taking or alteration of
- information from computers; authorizes fines and imprisonment up to 20
- years under certain circumstances; and gives the Secret Service
- authority to investigate potential offenses. In an effort to balance
- the punitive aspects of the Act, Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) introduced
- an amendment to the 1991 crime bill that defines criminal liability in
- electronic communication cases as intent to damage, rather than as the
- technical concept of unauthorized access. The bill (S. 1322) will come
- up for a vote again in 1992.
- Both the Computer Fraud and Electronic Communication Protection
- Acts include exceptions to their non-disclosure provisions for service
- providers who "may divulge" the content of a communication to a law
- enforcement agency if the contents "appear to pertain to the
- commission of a crime." Bulletin board operators have voiced concern
- over the ambiguity of this provision, questioning if it implies a duty
- on their part to report on the content of their boards.
- It is by no means a foregone conclusion among potential
- regulators of electronic speech that it is wholly protected by the
- First Amendment, but even if that were agreed upon, the issue of how
- to determine the limits of what is permissible, desirable and
- necessary would still loom large. The discussion has been framed by a
- set of paradigms, in which the electronic forum is portrayed as a mix
- of the past - - the American frontier -- and a wholly new phenomenon,
- Cyberspace.
- The term Cyberspace comes from William Gibson's novel,
- Neuromancer. It is the "place" telephone conversations and most
- financial transactions exist, the home of cyberpunks, and the bane of
- those who prefer to keep personal information private. Though subject
- to legal and social pressures, there is still something untamed about
- it, and so, a writer in Wyoming named John Perry Barlow coined the
- term "the electronic frontier."
- Hoping to seize the initiative in taming this territory, Barlow
- teamed up with computer entrepreneur Mitch Kapor to create the
- Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF). Since it began in July 1990, the
- EFF has provided guidance to legislators and courts about civil
- liberties on the frontier, and legal assistance to those whose
- liberties have been threatened.
- Frontier Law
- Even with much of its territory up for grabs, Cyberspace has been
- populated for some time, albeit by groups with widely divergent
- perceptions of the communal good. On one side are "hackers," a
- sometimes pejorative term, but used neutrally here to describe people
- who gain unauthorized access to computers for whatever purpose. These
- hackers see themselves as unfettered, adventuresome cowboys who, in
- keeping with the frontier myth, are being fenced in by the settlers --
- the business interests who have staked claim to the terrain -- and by
- the law that tends to protect these established interests.
- The cowboys defend computer hacking as a harmless pastime, as a
- pioneering activity that expands the boundaries of what is
- electronically possible, or as a political response to proprietary
- interests and individual profit. The settlers attack it as criminal,
- antisocial and malicious activity that costs everyone in money and
- security. By some estimates, computer crime accounts for as much as $5
- billion in losses to government and business yearly.
- One of the most publicized cases of computer crime involved a
- virus (a software program that can alter data or erase a computer's
- memory) that was unleashed in 1988 over InterNet, an international
- computer network. The virus, known as the Worm, was written by Robert
- Morris, a graduate student at Cornell University, who claimed that he
- had created it as a prank before it got loose and infected thousands
- of government and academic computers. As a first-time offender, Morris
- was given a light sentence, but the principle established by the case
- has been allowed to remain: to get a conviction for computer abuse,
- the government need only prove unauthorized access, not intent to
- harm. This ruling has been compared to punishing a trespasser for the
- more serious offense of burglary or arson.
- The Morris virus not withstanding, the bulk of computer crime is
- not committed by hackers, but involves credit card fraud or theft by
- people within large companies, which are often reluctant to report it
- and publicize their vulnerability. In setting up the Electronic
- Frontier Foundation, Barlow and Kapor were reacting most directly to
- Operation Sun Devil, a part of a federal effort to combat computer
- crime, which had as its most visible targets young computer hackers
- and their systems of communication.
- On May 8, 1990, armed with 28 search warrants in 14 cities,
- Secret Service agents seized at least 40 computers and over 50,000
- disks of data from individuals they suspected of possessing illegally-
- obtained information. Only seven arrests resulted, although the
- government kept and searched the computers and software of more who
- were not charged. Information obtained by CPSR under a Freedom of
- Information request reveals that the Secret Service had been
- monitoring on-line communication and keeping files on individuals who
- had committed no crime for several years prior to the raids.
- Steve Jackson Games
- The February before the Sun Devil raids, a grand jury indicted
- Craig Neidorf, a student and the publisher of an electronic magazine
- called Phrack, for reprinting a document stolen from a Bell South
- computer. Three hackers had already been sentenced to prison for
- stealing the document, which concerned a 911 emergency system. The
- phone company claimed the document was highly sensitive and set its
- value at $79,499. When Neidorf's case came to trial that July,
- however, it was revealed that the document was publicly available at a
- cost of $30. The government dropped the charges, but the magazine had
- already ceased publication, and Neidorf had incurred about $100,000 in
- legal costs.
- The Bell South file had been made available to bulletin board
- systems (BBSs) around the country, including one operated by an
- employee of Steve Jackson Games (SJG), a creator and publisher of
- computer games in Austin, Texas. While looking for evidence against
- the employee, Secret Service agents searched the bulletin board run by
- Jackson and found the draft of a rule book for a fantasy game called
- GURPS Cyberpunk. They decided it was a manual for breaking into
- computers.
- On March 1, 1990, agents raided SJG and seized computers, drafts
- of the game, and all the information and private communication stored
- on the computer used for the bulletin board. Jackson was never charged
- with a crime, but none of his equipment or files was returned until
- nearly four months later. He was forced to lay off half of his
- employees and estimates that the raid cost him $125,000 in publishing
- delays. This is a small-scale equivalent of seizing the printing
- presses and files of The New York Times because the Pentagon papers
- were found on their premises; such raids are expressly forbidden by
- the Privacy Protection Act.
- With the help of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, Jackson is
- suing the Secret Service for violating his Constitutional rights.
- Specifically, his lawyers are arguing that the request for the search
- warrant caused a prior restraint of a publication, was misleading
- because it did not tell the judge that SJG was a publisher, did not
- meet the specificity requirement of the Fourth Amendment, and failed
- to establish probable cause that criminal activity was taking place.
- The case is in litigation.
- Meanwhile, the EFF has been working on model search and seizure
- guidelines, which they hope to persuade the American Bar Association
- to adopt in place of its current guidelines for the issuance of search
- warrants relating to business records. In an attempt to make searches
- less intrusive and destructive, EFF recommends that:
- 1. computers used for publishing or electronic bulletin boards be
- afforded the same First Amendment protections as other means of
- publication;
- 2. in determining if just cause for seizure of equipment and
- software exists, judges shift the emphasis from what is
- technologically possible (e.g. an electronic trip wire that can erase
- all data) to what is likely to happen;
- 3. the search of computer disks take place on a business's
- premises, whenever possible;
- 4. under most circumstances, computers be seized only when they
- are the instruments of a crime.
- Bulletin Boards
- Electronic bulletin board systems are an increasingly pervasive
- mode of electronic communication and probably the most vulnerable to
- censorship. Part of the problem stems from a lack of definition. Are
- bulletin boards publishers, common carriers, broadcasters, electronic
- file cabinets, owners of intellectual property, private forums,
- libraries, newsstands, a combination, or none of the above? How they
- are categorized will determine if and how they are regulated.
- BBSs are relatively new, dating from about 1978; today, as many
- as 60,000 may be operating in the U.S. Though most are small and
- specialized, the government operates several big ones, such as
- InterNet, and businesses run others, including the two largest:
- Prodigy (owned by IBM and Sears) and CompuServe (a subsidiary of H & R
- Block). These BBSs allow individuals to "log on" to a host computer by
- use of a modem and telephone lines. Once they are hooked up, users can
- participate in electronic conferences, or conversations, send
- electronic or E-mail to specific individuals, and "post" messages
- directed at a general audience.
- Most BBSs neither monitor nor control E-mail, but many edit or
- otherwise restrict the messages on their bulletin boards. Some, such
- as the Whole Earth 'Lectronic Link (the WELL) in Sausalito, CA, place
- all responsibility for words posted on their system with the author,
- removing only clearly illegal or libelous material. The WELL
- community of about 5,000 members so far has regulated itself
- effectively. Other systems are less tolerant.
- In 1988, Stanford University attempted to block a jokes section
- of the bulletin board Usenet after becoming aware of an ethnically
- derogatory joke posted on it. The ban, though official policy, could
- not be implemented technically, and the jokes continued to be
- available throughout the campus. After a protest by students and
- faculty, the ban was lifted.
- Prodigy has been more successful in controlling the content of
- its bulletin board. It claims the right to do so as a private company
- contracting with customers to deliver a service, and as a publisher
- selecting the content of its on-line publication much as an editor
- edits a letters-to-the-editor page. Messages are first scanned by a
- computer to catch words and phrases Prodigy deems offensive, then
- vetted by employees before being posted.
- This editing has made for considerable controversy in Prodigy's
- three years of existence. In 1989, Prodigy cut out a section of its
- bulletin board called "health spa" after a yeasty exchange between
- homosexuals and fundamentalists. The next year, it banned messages
- from members protesting its pricing and editorial policies. Then this
- past year, the Anti-Defamation League publicly condemned the bulletin
- board for carrying grossly anti-Semitic messages. Prodigy responded
- that the messages were protected speech, but added the puzzling
- explanation that it made a distinction between derogatory messages
- aimed at individuals and those aimed at groups.
- The question of what legal precedent to apply to bulletin boards
- moved closer to resolution with a court ruling late in 1991. In Cubby
- v. CompuServe, an electronic newsletter called Skuttlebut claimed that
- it had been defamed by a competitor known as Rumorville, which
- CompuServe publishes on its Journalism Forum. A federal judge in New
- York likened electronic bulletin boards neither to publishers nor
- common carriers, but to distributors of information such as
- newsstands, bookstores and libraries to which a lower standard of
- liability applies. He decided, therefore, that CompuServe could not be
- held liable for statements published through its electronic library,
- particularly because it had no reason to know what was contained
- there.
- Private facts about individuals are much easier to gather and
- store on computer than on paper and are much more accessible to
- unauthorized scrutiny. Thus, computer monitoring challenges
- traditional expectations of privacy, exposes nearly every facet of an
- individual's life to potential public view and commercial use, alters
- the relationship between employers and employees, and opens the way
- for unprecedented government surveillance of citizens. For these
- reasons, concerns about the courts' vitiating the Fourth Amendment
- intensify when computer-based communication and surveillance are
- involved.
- Gary Marx, professor of sociology at MIT, notes ten
- characteristics of new kinds of computer- based monitoring that make
- them particularly intrusive:
- They transcend boundaries...that traditionally protect privacy.
- They permit the inexpensive and immediate sharing and merging
- and reproducing of information.
- They permit combining discrete types of information.
- They permit altering data.
- They involve remote access which complicates accountability issues
- They may be done invisibly
- They can be done without the subject's knowledge or consent.
- They are more intensive.
- They reveal previously inaccessible information.
- They are also more extensive and they cover broader areas.
- Privacy and Property
- At a meeting of Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility
- held in Cambridge, MA October 1991, John Shattuck, Vice President for
- Government, Community and Public Affairs at Harvard University, noted
- that when the Bill of Rights was written, personal liberty was closely
- linked to private property. Thus, the Fourth Amendment protected
- concrete things and places from unreasonable government intrusion.
- This idea was first upheld in relation to electronic technology
- in 1928, when the Supreme Court ruled in Olmstead v. United States
- that the Fourth Amendment did not apply to wiretapping because
- telephone communication was not a material thing. (It was in his
- dissent on this ruling that Justice Brandeis defined privacy as "the
- right to be left alone.")
- The principle of protection for tangible property remained
- largely unchallenged until 1967. Then, in Katz v. United States, the
- Supreme Court decided that the Fourth Amendment "protects people, not
- places," and was, therefore, applicable to wiretapping and electronic
- eavesdropping. This decision brought a person's ideas, politics and
- communication under the Amendment's protection for the first time, and
- set "reasonable expectation" as the standard by which to measure
- privacy rights. According to Shattuck, it also began a revolution in
- Fourth Amendment law.
- From 1967 until the Electronic Communication Protection Act was
- passed in 1986, the only electronic communication covered by law was
- what could be heard. Nearly all computer-based communication remained
- outside traditional and legal privacy protections, even as it was
- becoming the dominant technology.
- Much of digital communication in the U.S., including medical,
- insurance, personnel and retail transactions still lacks firm legal
- protection from intrusion, and the FBI recently proposed legislation
- that would require that all new telephone systems be designed to allow
- wiretapping, an ability the agency fears is endangered by new
- technology. In the privacy arena, the United States still lags far
- behind Canada, Australia and Western Europe, where at least six
- countries have a constitutional right to privacy and data protection.
- Commercial Uses
- The Fourth Amendment and the Privacy Protection Act apply only to
- the federal government, leaving commercial intrusion to be addressed
- piecemeal over the past two decades. For instance, the Supreme Court
- ruled in 1976 that there was no constitutional protection for personal
- information held by a bank because bank customers do not own these
- documents. In response, Congress passed the Right to Financial Privacy
- Act two years later to create a statutory protection for bank records.
- In 1977, the federal Privacy Protection Study Commission looked
- at the Privacy Act, seen then as a flawed compromise, and issued over
- 100 recommendations, many of which died at birth. However, one
- recommendation -- that the Privacy Act not be extended to the private
- sector, which should be allowed to comply voluntarily -- was more or
- less adopted by default.
- Other laws have since been passed to control private access to
- personal information, including the Fair Credit Reporting Act (1970),
- the Debt Collection Act (1982), the Cable Communications Policy Act
- (1984) and the Video Privacy Protection Act (1988). Recently, Rep.
- Robert Wise (D- WV), chair of the Subcommittee on Government
- Operations, tried to establish a Data Protection Commission, but
- without giving it regulatory power.
- As technology makes its easier to match databases and repackage
- personal information in commercially valuable forms, unease increases
- over the amount of information gathered and retained, where it comes
- from, how accurate it is, what use is made of it, and how individuals
- can control that use, especially when it is reused. Again, computers
- exacerbate the problem because they create a pervasive and long-
- lasting information trail that is decreasingly under the control of
- the individual involved.
- Often there is no direct relationship between individuals and the
- keeper of information about them, as with credit bureaus. Other
- businesses, such as telephone companies and airlines, collect
- information routinely without external regulation of who sees the
- records or how long they are kept. Even when there is an intimate
- connection, as with medical information, the lack of legal protection
- allows genetic information and records of job-related injuries, for
- example, to end up in private databases that are available to
- employers and insurance companies.
- Control over one's personal facts becomes even more tenuous when
- data collected by one organization are sold to another, which happens
- regularly without the individual's consent. This "second use" takes
- place primarily among businesses, but non-profit groups sell their
- mailing lists, and government agencies compare databases with
- businesses and each other: tax returns with welfare or student-loan
- records, for example. In 1991, Governor William Weld of Massachusetts
- proposed selling computer access to state Registry of Motor Vehicles
- records to private companies, but was dissuaded by vocal legislative
- opposition to the plan.
- Privacy advocates are also troubled by deceptive data collection
- techniques and inaccurate information that can be difficult and
- expensive to correct. In July 1991, six state attorneys general sued
- TRW, one of the three big credit-reporting companies, for failure to
- correct major reporting errors. TRW eventually agreed to supply
- individuals with free copies of their credit files on request; other
- companies still charge for such reports.
- Computers also provide a mechanism for fighting this Big Brother
- scenario. In 1990, Lotus Marketplace worked with Equifax, another
- consumer data collector, to put portions of its database onto compact
- disk so that marketing information about individuals could be sold in
- a convenient format to businesses. When the plan became public, it
- occasioned an outcry of surprising proportions -- about 30,000
- responses, many from people who had learned about the project through
- electronic forums, and nearly all negative. In January 1991, Equifax
- and Lotus bowed to the pressure and scrapped the project. Privacy
- Protections
- For the past several years, privacy advocates have been working
- to pass policies and laws to protect individuals from the unwanted
- intrusions into their personal lives that computers make easy and
- appealing to businesses. The guiding principles for privacy policy are
- well summed up in a 1989 paper written by Jerry Berman and Janlori
- Goldman for the Benton Foundation:
- 1. Information collected for one purpose should not be used for a
- different purpose without the individual's consent.
- 2. Policy should be developed with an eye towards new advances in
- information technology and telecommunications.
- 3. Legal limits should be placed on the collection and use of
- sensitive information -- the more sensitive the information, the more
- rigorous the disclosure standard.
- 4. Individuals must be provided with easy access to their
- records, including access to computerized records, for the purpose of
- copying, correcting, or completing information in the records.
- 5. Exemptions for non-disclosure should be clearly justified and
- narrowly tailored to suit the requester's need.
- 6. Legislation should include enforcement mechanisms, such as
- injunctive relief, damages, criminal penalties, and reimbursement of
- attorney's fees and costs.
- Watching Employees
- Also in the private sector, computers are increasingly being used
- to track employees' use of time, productivity, and communication with
- each other and the public. According to Karen Nussbaum, Executive
- Director of 9to5, the national organization of office workers, the
- work of 26 million employees is monitored electronically, and the
- evaluation and pay of 10 million is determined by computer-generated
- statistics. This kind of monitoring is more intrusive than human
- supervision, she points out, because it watches the personal habits of
- employees and because it is constant.
- As a form of surveillance, employers often reserve the right to
- read the electronic mail of employees and may do so because the
- Electronic Communications Privacy Act protects electronic mail only on
- public networks. The E-mail systems of large corporations, including
- Federal Express and American Airlines, automatically inform workers
- that the company may read mail sent over the systems. Other companies
- do not inform, but read anyway. When an employee of Epson America, a
- California- based computer company, learned that this was the
- company's practice and complained, she was fired the next day. Her
- lawsuit charging wrongful termination is in litigation.
- In the fall of 1991, Sen. Paul Simon (D-IL) introduced
- legislation (S. 516) which would require that employees and customers
- be notified if their electronic communication and telephone
- conversations are being monitored, either in specific instances or as
- a policy of their employer. Rep. Pat Williams (D-MT) has introduced
- similar legislation in the House (HR. 1218), and both bills are in
- committee. Government Surveillance
- The United States government is the largest collector of
- information about people in this country and perhaps the largest
- keeper of personal information in the world. This information consists
- mostly of separate records, such as tax and social security files, but
- in a 1986 study, Congress's Office of Technology Assessment determined
- that, because these files can be matched and combined, a de facto
- national database on Americans already exists.
- Other information is gathered by surveillance. The FBI's National
- Crime Information System (NCIC) is a high-speed, computerized system
- containing criminal justice information, including Secret Service
- investigations, missing person files, and criminal histories or "rap
- sheets." The system began in 1967 and now runs about one million
- transactions each day. Information is maintained on a computer in
- Washington, DC, which is connected to each state and to 60,000 offices
- including those of sheriffs, prosecutors, courts, prisons, and
- military investigators. For instance, a police officer using the NCIC
- system to find out if a driver he or she has stopped is wanted for a
- crime can call up fingerprints and photos on the database to make an
- on-the-spot identification.
- The NCIC is proud of the efficiency of its system and claims that
- it has built in safeguards against inaccuracy and abuse. Civil
- libertarians, however, have doubts. In addition questioning whether
- arrests for current actions should be made on the basis of past
- behavior, they point out that data on arrests may be stored separately
- from data on convictions, and that computers make it harder to control
- the spread of inaccurate, outdated or ambiguous information. They also
- fear that the ease in using the system will encourage police to be
- less discerning in stopping people for investigation.
- There is concern too that the system can be used for purposes
- other than criminal justice, with information shared when someone
- applies for a government or military job or a professional license. In
- 1988, the FBI suggested connecting the NCIC to the computers of the
- Department of Health and Human Services, the IRS, the Social Security
- Administration and the Immigration and Naturalization Service; the
- plan was eventually defeated. More recently, alarms were raised by
- disclosures that the FBI conducted years of surveillance of political
- opponents of the Reagan administration's Central American policy,
- though they had committed no crime.
- Library Awareness Program
- On June 8, 1987, a clerk at Columbia University's Math/ Science
- Library was approached by two FBI agents who asked for information
- about "foreigners" using the library. This was, the agents said, part
- of the Library Awareness Program under which the FBI tried to enlist
- the assistance of librarians in monitoring the reading habits of
- "suspicious" individuals, variously defined as people with Eastern
- European or Russian-sounding names or accents, or coming from
- countries hostile to the U.S.
- It is still unclear how extensive the program is -- FBI officials
- have given contradictory information -- but the American Library
- Association (ALA) has verified 22 visits in various parts of the
- country that appear to have had the same purpose, and, in one
- statement, the FBI said the program was 25 years old. The FBI has also
- requested computerized check-out records from technical and science
- libraries and has asked private information providers, including Mead
- Data Central and Charles E. Simon Co., to help monitor use of their
- databases. Although public and university libraries do not have
- classified information, the FBI has justified its interest in library
- use by a version of the "information mosaic" theory: that discrete and
- benign pieces of information can be put together to present a danger
- to national security and therefore need to be controlled.
- Monitoring library usage is illegal in 44 states and the District
- of Columbia and violates an ALA policy, dating from 1970, that
- prohibits the disclosure of information about patrons' reading habits.
- In July 1987, the ALA wrote the FBI to inquire about the Library
- Awareness Program, and the National Security Archive filed an FOIA
- request asking for records about the program. The FBI responded that
- it had no records under that name, and Quin Shea, who was then Special
- Counsel to the Archive, says they probably didn't, since the real name
- of the program is classified. The Archive filed a second FOIA request
- that September, and the ALA filed its own requests in October and
- December.
- In September 1988, the ALA Intellectual Freedom Committee met
- with high-level representatives of the FBI. That same month, FBI
- Director William Sessions wrote Rep. Don Edwards (D-CA) that the
- program would be limited to technical libraries in the New York City
- area, presumably where the concentration of spies is greatest, and
- that cooperation of librarians would be voluntary. It was only in the
- summer of 1989, after Edwards and other members of Congress had gotten
- involved and the Archive had sued the FBI, that about 1200 pages of
- documents were released. These showed, among other things, that some
- librarians did cooperate. The Archive is again suing the FBI for the
- release of more material.
- Privacy advocates and policy makers have long emphasized the
- importance of an individual's right to review information held about
- him or her. But, though the federal government has been collecting
- large amounts of information since the end of the last century, the
- public's right to monitor that information and the government's
- activities, has gained cache only fairly recently.
- The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) was passed in 1966, and
- strengthened in 1974, followed in 1976 by the Sunshine Act. These laws
- gave the public greater access to information about government
- practices and decision making. Significantly, this swing toward
- openness in government took place at the same time that technological
- developments provided the government with ever greater information-
- collecting abilities.
- Information policy, the means by which government information is
- made available, can be divided into three broad categories:
- disclosure, access and dissemination. The past decade has seen
- cutbacks in all three areas: for example, a 10% annual increase in
- classification decisions since 1982; the elimination or privatization
- of one in four government publications since 1981 under the Paperwork
- Reduction Act; and foot dragging or outright hostility on Freedom of
- Information requests. In addition, the computerization of government
- operations has consistently been designed for bureaucratic efficiency
- with little interest in increased openness or access. Electronic
- Access and Freedom of Information
- One major area of debate in information policy is the effect of
- computerization on the FOIA. Theoretically at least, it is easier to
- search and retrieve records by computer than by hand, thereby
- lessening the burden on the responding agency and making them more
- amenable to FOI requests. But it is also likely that the volume and
- variety of requests will grow as the possibilities of information
- searches become apparent.
- The Act mandates that records of the executive branch of
- government be available to the public on request, exempting only nine
- narrowly-defined categories, and it is almost universally accepted by
- now that electronic records are covered along with those on paper.
- There have been legal decisions to the contrary, which have placed
- privacy above disclosure concerns, but these have usually involved
- requests for information to be used commercially.
- However, since the FOIA was written with paper records in mind,
- it left unaddressed the questions of what constitutes a record and a
- reasonable search, and what format is required for making information
- available. These and other disputes are currently being arbitrated by
- the courts, Congress and the agencies involved. The balancing act
- between access and privacy also becomes trickier with electronic
- storage of information. In 1977, the Supreme Court looked at a state's
- records of people who obtained prescription drugs legally and
- determined that this centralized file included sufficient safeguards
- to protect privacy, making it constitutional. Still, the Court found
- that government collection of personal information did pose a threat
- to privacy because "that central computer storage of the data thus
- collected...vastly increases the potential for abuse of that
- information." A similar privacy concern informed a more recent Supreme
- Court decision in which the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the
- Press was denied access to FBI criminal history records in
- computerized form.
- In addition to arguing against disclosure on privacy grounds, the
- Justice Department has opposed requests for records analyzed and
- combined by computer, maintaining that this is equivalent to creating
- a new record, something the FOIA does not require an agency to do.
- Independent studies, however, tend to conclude that this is more like
- searching through an electronic filing cabinet and suggest that
- disputes be settled by applying a standard of reasonable effort, a
- term yet to be defined satisfactorily.
- A third major area of dispute is the form in which the requested
- information is made available. This problem arises in two different
- situations: where the data exist in more than one format and a
- requester has a preference, and where they do not exist in the format
- requested. The first is more common and more controversial. In 1984, a
- district court ruled that the government does not have to provide
- information in a requested format in order to fulfill its FOIA
- obligation (Dismukes v. Department of Interior, 603 F. Supp. 760 (DDC
- 1984)). But in Department of Justice v. Tax Analysts (492 U.S. 136
- (1989)), the court determined that an agency can withhold a record
- only if it falls under one of the delineated exemptions. This ruling
- suggests that such a rationale would override Dismukes in a new court
- case.
- In 1989, the Justice Department asked federal agencies how they
- viewed their obligations under FOIA to provide electronic information.
- The survey found wide variation among agencies, but a tendency against
- disclosure:
- # 76% of the respondents did not think the law required them to
- create new, or modify existing, computer programs to search for
- requested information;
- # 47% did not think they had to create new programs to separate
- disclosable from classified information;
- # 59% did not think the FOIA required them to comply with the
- requested format.
- Sen. Leahy is attempting to codify these requirements through a
- proposed Electronic Freedom of Information Improvement Act (S. 1939),
- which will come up for a hearing this spring. This amendment to the
- FOIA would require agencies to provide records in the form requested
- and make a reasonable effort to provide them in electronic form, if
- requested, even if they are not usually kept that way. It defines
- "record" to include "...computer programs, machine readable materials
- and computerized, digitized, and electronic information, regardless of
- the medium by which it is stored..." "Search" is defined to include
- automated examination to locate records.
- While many researchers and journalists support Leahy's bill, some
- public interest groups worry that, like other legislation targeting
- electronic communication, this will draw unwelcome scrutiny to the
- issue. Instead, they support an evolutionary process involving
- education and specific appeals to agencies.
- Transactional Data and the IRS
- The manipulation of data in a usable format is a useful tool in
- analyzing how government agencies really work. One particularly rich
- vein is transactional information, data recorded by government
- agencies in the course of their work. When this information is matched
- with other statistics, it can be analyzed to reveal what might
- otherwise be obscured about the activities of the government.
- A successful practitioner of this kind of investigation is
- investigative journalist David Burnham. In A Law Unto Itself: Power,
- Politics and the IRS, Burnham reports that computerized files obtained
- from the IRS revealed that audit rates vary widely among sections of
- the country, as does the likelihood of property seizure for delinquent
- taxes. He also discovered that there had been no increase in non-
- compliance rates over the past 15 years, although the IRS used the
- threat of increasing tax evasion as a basis for requesting new money
- for enforcement. The IRS had failed to adjust for inflation or margin
- of error in their calculations.
- Burnham drew some of his conclusions from the work of Susan Long,
- Director of the Center for Tax Studies at Syracuse University. Burnham
- and Long founded the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC)
- with the goal of forcing the release of government data not available
- before. Long, who began her siege on the IRS in 1969, filed 13 FOIA
- requests to that agency and frequently took it to court to force it to
- open its records. She won a precedent-setting victory in Long v. IRS
- (596 F. 2nd 362 (9th Cir. 1979), with a ruling that the FOIA
- definition of "record" covered data on computer tapes. Her lawsuit,
- concerned the Taxpayer Compliance Measurement Program (TCMP), which
- measures the effectiveness of the IRS system and determines who will
- be audited. Although the data produced were kept so secret that they
- were withheld even from the Government Accounting Office, Long found
- that the information had little effect on the IRS's audit coverage,
- even when it pointed up regions or classes that were under- audited.
- The dangers of assuming that because a technology is value-free
- and neutral, the uses to which it is put will also be benign are well-
- documented and real. But for all the new or magnified threats to
- individual liberties arising from computer-assisted communication, the
- electronic forum also offers the means to increase those liberties by
- expanding the possibilities for talking and working together and for
- building political and social alliances. Widespread and fairly
- allocated computerized resources can offer: increased citizen
- participation in and oversight of government affairs; assembly,
- organizing and debate unrestricted by geographical distances or
- boundaries; decentralized decision making; a challenge to news and
- publishing monopolies; rapid international exchange of information;
- and individually-tailored, focused information to combat the
- information glut that interferes with communication.
- Stewart Brand has said that information wants to be free, and
- this may be nowhere more true than in electronic communication, which,
- by its very design, abhors censorship and monopolies (though history
- has proven that technology does not outsmart repression for long). It
- is important that those concerned with civil liberties enter the
- electronic forum with a mixture of optimism and vigilance and take
- part in the debate on its future while that debate is still open.
- Berman, Jerry and Janlori Goldman.
- A Federal Right of Information Privacy: The Need for Reform.
- Washington, DC: Benton Foundation, 1989.
- Berman, Jerry. "The Right to Know: Public Access to Electronic
- Public Information." Software Law Journal
- Summer 1989:491-530 (reprinted by The Markle Foundation).
- Burnham, David. A Law Unto Itself: Power, Politics and the IRS. NY:
- Random House, 1989.
- " " The Rise of the Computer State. NY: Random House, 1983.
- Demac, Donna A. "The Electronic Book." American Writer Winter 1992.
- Ermann, M. David et al. Computers, Ethics, & Society. NY: Oxford UP,
- 1990.
- Index on Censorship July 1991. Section on computers and free speech.
- "Is Computer Hacking a Crime? A Debate From the Electronic
- Underground." Harper's March 1990:45-57.
- Lacayo, Richard. "Nowhere to Hide." Time 11/11/91: 34-40.
- Office of Information and Privacy. Department of Justice Report on
- "Electronic Record" Issues Under the Freedom of Information Act.
- Washington, DC, 1990.
- Perritt, Henry H. Jr. (prepared report). Electronic Public Information
- and the Public's Right to Know.
- Washington, DC: Benton Foundation, 1990.
- Pool, Ithiel de Sola. Technologies of Freedom. Cambridge, MA:
- Harvard UP, 1983.
- Proceedings of The First Conference on Computers, Freedom & Privacy.
- Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Computer
- Society Press, 1991.
- Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press.
- Access to Electronic Records. Washington, DC, 1990.
- Rosenberg, Roni. Selected and Annotated Bibliography on
- Computers and Privacy. Palo Alto: Computer
- Professionals for Social Responsibility.
- Scientific American. Special issue on communications, computers
- and networks. Sept. 1991.
- Shattuck, John and Muriel Morisey Spence. Government Information
- Controls: Implications for Scholarship,
- Science and Technology. Association of American Universities
- occasional paper, 1988.
- Westin, Alan. Privacy and Freedom. NY: Atheneum, 1967.
- ACLU Project on Privacy and Technology
- 122 Maryland Avenue, NE
- Washington, DC 20002
- (202) 675-2320
- privacy issues
- Computer Professionals for Social
- Responsibility
- National Office
- P.O. Box 717
- Palo Alto, CA 94302
- 415/322-3778
- general political and social issues
- Electronic Frontier Foundation
- 155 Second Street
- Cambridge, MA 02141
- 617/864-0665
- general political and legal issues
- National Writers Union
- 13 Astor Place, 7th floor
- New York, NY 10003
- (212) 254-0279
- intellectual property issues
- Public Citizen
- 2000 P Street, Suite 700
- Washington, DC 20036
- (202) 833-3000
- privacy issues
- Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press
- 1735 Eye Street, NW, suite 504
- Washington, DC 20006
- (202) 466-6312
- access to government information
- Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse
- 478 Newhouse II
- Syracuse, NY 13244
- (315) 443-3563
- access to government information
- For more information, contact:
- Gara LaMarche, (212) 972-8400 (o)
- (718) 789-5808 (h)
- * * *
- This newsletter is a publication of the Fund for Free Expression,
- which was created in 1975 to monitor and combat censorship around the
- world and in the United States. It was researched and written by Nan
- Levinson,a freelance writer based in Boston and the U.S. correspondent
- for Index on Censorship.
- The Chair of the Fund for Free Expression is Roland Algrant; Vice
- Chairs, Aryeh Neier and Robert Wedgeworth; Executive Director, Gara
- LaMarche; Associate, Lydia Lobenthal. The members are Alice Arlen,
- Robert L. Bernstein, Tom A. Bernstein, Hortense Calisher, Geoffrey
- Cowan, Dorothy Cullman, Patricia Derian, Adrian DeWind, Irene Diamond,
- E.L. Doctorow, Norman Dorsen, Alan Finberg, Francis FitzGerald, Jack
- Greenberg, Vartan Gregorian, S. Miller Harris, Alice H. Henkin, Pam
- Hill, Joseph Hofheimer, Lawrence Hughes, Ellen Hume, Anne M. Johnson,
- Mark Kaplan, Stephen Kass, William Koshland, Judith F. Krug, Jeri
- Laber, Anthony Lewis, William Loverd, Wendy Luers, John Macro, III,
- Michael Massing, Nancy Meiselas, Arthur Miller, The Rt. Rev. Paul
- Moore, Jr., Toni Morrison, Peter Osnos, Bruce Rabb, Geoffrey Cobb
- Ryan, John G. Ryden, Steven R. Shapiro, Jerome Shestack, Nadine
- Strossen, Rose Styron, Hector Timerman, John Updike, Luisa Valenzuela,
- Nicholas A. Veliotes, Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., Gregory Wallance and Roger
- Wilkins.
- The Fund for Free Expression is a division of Human Rights Watch,
- which also includes Africa Watch, Americas Watch, Asia Watch, Helsinki
- Watch, Middle East Watch, and special projects on Prisoners' Rights
- and Women's Rights. The Chair is Robert L. Bernstein and the Vice
- Chair is Adrian W. DeWind. Aryeh Neier is Executive Director; Kenneth
- Roth, Deputy Director; Holly J. Burkhalter, Washington Director; Susan
- Osnos, Press Director.
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